Research Group Functional Analysis

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hannes Germandt

University of Wuppertal
School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Work Group Functional Analysis

Gaußstraße 20
D-42119 Wuppertal


Room: G.15.06 Phone: +49 (202) 439 - 2590 Mail: gernandt{at}


  • PhD position in the field of applied mathematics, as soon as possible (min. 3 years, 75%) Apply
  • Research assistant to support the preparation of teaching materials or the numerical solution of optimal control problems, as soon as possible (min. 1 year, 4h/week) Apply


  • Differential-algebraic equations
  • Dissipative and port-Hamiltonian systems
  • Operator and spectral theory
  • Predictive control of energy systems

My publications on scholar and ResearchGate.


SS 2024

Introduction to Port-Hamiltonian Systems (Mittwoch 10-12)

Course Material on Moodle

WS 2023/24

Curriculum vitae

since 12/2023 Junior Professor "Port-Hamiltonian Systems" at the University of Wuppertal

since 11/2022 PostDoc at Fraunhofer IEG

(AG Energy Management and Control with Johannes Schiffer)

08/2022-10/2022 Wenner-Gren PostDoc at Stockholm University with Jonathan Rohleder

07/2021-10/2022 PostDoc, TU Berlin (Research Group Numerical Mathematics with Volker Mehrmann)

07/2021 PhD at the TU Ilmenau

"Spectral Perturbation and Optimization of Matrix Pencils"

(AG Applied Functional Analysis with Carsten Trunk)

10/2020-06/2021 Research assistant at the TU Hamburg (Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering with Robert Seifried and Timo Reis)

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