3rd Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (SCINDIS 2020)
New dates: September 27-29 2021, Wuppertal
The scope of the Workshop includes but is not limited to

- Stability and control of partial differential equations
- Stability and control of time-delay systems
- Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional systems
- Stabilizability of infinite-dimensional systems
- Semigroup and admissibility theory
The poster can be downloaded here.
The program will consists out of plenary talk and additionally interactive sessions.
In an interactive session the speakers will be able to present their work by means of a short presentation, that will engage the participants in a lively discussion. An interactive session can be understood as an online version of a poster session. Each speaker of an interactive session will be a host of an individual Zoom meeting, and she/he can fully use her/his imagination to create a way of presenting of the material.
For example, one can:1) create several slides, where the key concepts and results will be presented,which will be a kind of "online poster". It is assumed that the participants will switch between the sessions and thus, the slides may be presented during an interactive session several times.2) use the whiteboard to discuss the technical details.
- Sergey Dashkovskiy
- René Hosfeld
- Birgit Jacob
- Andrii Mironchenko
- Fabian Wirth
Plenary talks
- Piermarco Cannarsa (Rome)
- Joachim Deutscher (Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Emilia Fridman (Tel Aviv)
- Andrei Fursikov (Moscow)
- Yann Le Gorrec (Besancon)
- Bernhard Haak (Bordeaux)
- Maurice Heemels (Eindhoven)
- Weiwei Hu (Oklahoma)
- Mark Opmeer (Bath)
- Felix Schwenninger (Hamburg/Twente)
- Rafael Vazquez (Sevilla)
- George Weiss (Tel Aviv)
- Joseph Winkin (Namur)
- Guchuan Zhu (Montreal)